WordPress.org’s New Login Requirement: Users Must Confirm Non-Affiliation with WP Engine

  • News

In a significant development in the ongoing feud between Automattic and WP Engine, the WordPress.org login page has undergone a major revision. Users are now required to confirm that they are not affiliated with WP Engine to log in successfully.

Highlighting the Lawsuit and a New Mandatory Checkbox on WordPress.org’s Login Page

This is what the login page of WordPress.org looked like and what the community was accustomed to.

default WordPress.org login page

Now, amidst the ongoing drama, the login page has seen two revisions in a short span of time.

The first revision

  • Highlighting that WP Engine has filed a lawsuit, which was linked to the WP Engine’s post on X.
  • The second change was the addition of a new checkbox, which is now mandatory to complete the login process.
revised WordPress.org mentioning WP Engine lawsuit and affiliation

The second revision

  • The revision that followed removed “WP Engine has filed a massive lawsuit”, but the checkbox remains as it is.
revised WordPress.org mentioning WP Engine affiliation only

Regarding the new checkbox and the confusion surrounding it, WordPress tweeted as follows:

Further Discussions on Slack

Further discussions and responses are ongoing in the meta channel on Slack, where costdev raised several questions to which Matt responded. Besides this, Matt also asked on the same channel, “What actions should WP Engine do for WordPress.org to remove the new login checkbox?”

The Community Response

Several community members expressed their concern and disapproval of this change to the login page.

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