#116 – WordPress 6.3 call for volunteers is out, WooCommerce 7.6 released, 24hr virtual WooCommere contributor day is approaching


WordPress 6.3 call for volunteers is now open with the proposed release date being August 8, 2023. Also, if you want to see any changes and improvements in the future release process, the retrospective form for WordPress 6.2 release process is now available.

Until next week,



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📰 WordPress & Around

All the updates around WordPress and its closely related technologies

Building blocks: The evolution of WordPress 2013-2023

The next volume documenting WordPress growth in the last decade is getting ready for release, hopefully on the anniversary of WordPress. But all is not yet done, as we the community still have a role to play. The book needs to be reviewed and if you are interested you can find all the chapters on GitHub.


A collection of web security and vulnerability news and updates for the past week

Severe vulnerability impacting 600,000 sites patched in Limit Login Attempts plugin

The plugin is vulnerable to unauthenticated stored Cross-Site Scripting in versions up to and including 1.7.1. A patch addressing this vulnerability was released on April 4, 2023 as version 1.7.2. 


Be one of the first ones to explore some fresh plugins and themes

Charleston theme

A fully responsive multipurpose blog theme with minimal design and various customization options.

  • Gutenify Biz theme: A multipurpose modern block theme with multiple style variations.
  • Magzava theme: A theme that suits well for online magazines, news portals, and blogs. It also includes multiple pre-designed widgets.
  • Admin and Site Enhancements plugin: This plugin enhances various admin workflows and site aspects which would otherwise require multiple plugins.
  • AI writer- the Gutenberg A.I. writer plugin: WordPress developers have been recently exploring the various possibilities that could be achieved by incorporating A.I. with Gutenberg and we finally have one such product. The AI writer integrates with the Gutenberg editor and utilizes ChatGPT API.
  • PatternsWP plugin: The plugin provides various pre-designed block patterns that speed up the development process.


Updates and News from WordPress Community

WCEU 2023 announces free workshop for kids

A workshop initiative has been announced by WordCamp Europe with the sole aim of introducing WordPress to the future generation.

  • WPMU DEV launches a new AI assistant: A new AI-powered support chatbot is available to users in addition to 24/7 human support. This will not replace expert human support but can be seen as an attempt to provide a better service.
  • Yoast SEO 20.5: Improvements and security fixes: The new version includes an updated Google SERP preview and several security fixes, and has also dropped the support for PHP 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1. The new version requires PHP 7.2.5 or higher.
  • Tutor LMS v2.1.10 released: The latest version comes with a lot of new features such as an active login session feature, social login for Twitter, fraud protection on password reset form, and many more.
  • BuddyPress to host virtual contributor day on April 20: A virtual contributor day will be hosted by BuddyPress to maximize participation alongside the in-person event.
  • ACF wins Plugin Madness 2023: ACF has won first place in Torque’s Plugin Madness 2023. The second place was grabbed by WooCommerce and the third place by ManageWP Worker.
  • Cohesive, an all new A.I. content editor: Kickstart your content with 100+ templates and the power of A.I. that makes your content as engaging and relevant as it could be.  The ability to edit text, images, and translations and also collaborate with your teammates in real time.


More blog posts and podcasts from WordPress Community you don’t want to miss


Handpicked fresh guides from WordPress circle


Do not miss a WordPress event ever again


Just the best deals of the week, again, handpicked by yours truly!


  • 4 Months free offer on hosting plans of WP Engine (Coupon Code- FREEDOMTOCREATE)
  • 15% off yearly plans at Videvo (Coupon Code – WPV15)


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