Gutenberg 19.9 was released, and the notable changes in this version include a new Query Total Block and the support for Style Book in classic themes, along with various other enhancements and bug fixes.
Style Book Now Accessible in Classic Themes
A major highlight of this update is the addition of the Style Book for classic themes. The style book is available for classic themes that have enabled editor styles via add_theme_support( 'editor-styles' )
or have a theme.json file.
Here’s the style book support, as seen with the Twenty Twenty-One theme activated. Twenty Twenty-One already has the editor styles enabled via add_theme_support
in the functions.php file. We can see that we have a new “Design” tab within the “Appearance” section.

Accessing the new option will take us to the Style Book, where we can get a quick overview of the styles (colors, fonts, and more) and patterns.

Here’s the styles tab opened in the Twenty Twenty-One theme.

One more change that classic themes that support Style Book will be that patterns will be listed here rather than in Appearance>Patterns.
With Gutenberg 19.9 activated, we can see that the “Patterns” option in the Twenty Twenty-One theme is now within the Style Book.

With Gutenberg 19.9 deactivated, we can spot that the “Patterns” is located in Appearance>Patterns.

The New Query Total block
The new Query Total Block can be used to refine the user’s search query by showing either the overall count of results or the span of results being shown at the moment. This new block can be accessed alongside the Query block.
Here’s the new Query Total block.

The block currently has two display types that users can choose from – “Total results” and “Range display”.
If we opt for the “Total display,” the view is as follows:

The “Range display” type will be like this:

Other notable highlights include:
- The cover block now has image resolution support.
- The latest block spacing issue has been fixed.
- An issue with the navigation block has been resolved.
- New inline reset button for resetting color selection
- phpMyAdmin is now available in wp-env.