Voting Now Open for WordPress Test Team Reps 2024-25

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The WordPress Test Team is seeking two new Team Reps to join their ranks. These new representatives will take over from Pooja Derashri and Ankit K Gupta, the 2023-2024 team reps. The previous call for nominations was in 2023.

The call for nominations ended on Tuesday, October 1, and the list of nominees has now been published. 

The Role of The Test Team Reps

Pooja Derashri mentioned the role of the test team reps as, “Reps in the Test Team perform primary and secondary (or backup) duties to help support team chats, make updates to the team’s blog and handbook, remove blockers, keep a pulse on team objectives, and promote testing opportunities within the WordPress project.”

She also highlighted the duties of the test team reps, which include writing weekly update posts about the test team, setting an agenda for bi-weekly test chat, running test scrub sessions in the Slack core-test channel, helping new contributors with testing, and so on.

Meet the Nominees

  • Krupa Nanda – a QA Engineer and she was also one of the WCEU2024 Test Table Leads (remote) on Contributor Day. She has also taken part in various WordCamps as a speaker (WCAhmedabad 2023, WCNagpur 2024) and also as a volunteer (WCAhmedabad 2023).
  • Olga Gleckler –  a Full-stack WordPress developer and also a  Core component maintainer. She was a speaker at WordCamp Asia 2024, was the WordPress 6.3, 6.4, and 6.6 Core Triage co-lead, WordPress 6.5 Core Test co-lead, Contributor Mentorship Program Q1 2024 – Mentor (testing), Contributor Mentorship Program 2023, pilot – Facilitator and also WordCamp Europe 2021 organizer.
  • Patrick Lumumba – A WordPress enthusiast and was also the WordPress 6.5 Core Release Test co-lead and a co-organizer of the WordPress Nairobi Meetup and organizer for WC Nairobi 2024. He is also a plugin developer.
  • Narendra Sishodiya – A senior developer, WordPress Core, and Gutenberg contributor, and a plugin developer.

Voting is Now Open

The voting for the new WordPress Test Team Reps is open until Friday, October 11, 00:00 UTC. You can vote for two members. Remember, once you have submitted your votes, you won’t be able to vote again.

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